Definitions and symbols
Circlip/retaining ring with a radial width which diminishes towards the free ends, in accordance with the law of the curved beam of uniform strength, so that it deforms in a circular manner in the stressed state.
Snap rings, plain wire rings
Retaining ring with a constant radial width.
Width( (b):
Retaining ring with a constant radial width.
Thickness (s):
The thickness of the retaining ring measured in the axial direction of the shaft or housing.
AN (mm²)
groove area
AN = π/4 (d12-d22)
a (mm)
Radial width of the Seeger-Rings's lug
B (-)
Load factor indicating how many times the load bearing capacity of the reinforced Seeger ring is higher than that of the standard one.
b (mm)
Maximum radial width of the Seeger-Ring.
C (N/mm)
Spring rate of the axially loaded Seeger-Ring.
d1 (mm)
Nominal dimension = shaft or bore diameter.
d1' (mm)
Shaft diameter to which FNnrefers.
d2 (mm)
Groove diameter.
d3 (mm)
Inner diameter of Seeger-Rings for shafts or outer diameter of Seeger-Rings for bores in the unstressed state.
d4 (mm)
Centre line diameter of Seeger-Rings in the un- stressed state derived from the maximum radial space requirement a or b.
d41 (mm)
Diameter d4 during assembly over or into nominal diameter d1.
d42 (mm)
Diameter d4 fitted in the groove d2.
d5 (mm)
Diameter of the assembly holes or corresponding semi- circular recesses.
d7 (mm)
Wire diameter for roundwire circlips.
FL (N)
Axial spring force of Seeger-L-Rings.
FN (N)
Load bearing capacity of the groove
(yeald point=200 N/mm2)
FR (N)
Load bearing capacity of the ring with sharp-corne red abutment.
FRg (N)
Load bearing capacity of the Seeger-Ring abutting a machine component with a chamfer, a corner distance or a radius of g mm.
F1 (N)
Axial spring force of Seeger-W-Rings and SL washers at W1 (maximum force).
F2 (N)
Axial spring force of Seeger-W-Rings and SL washers at W2 (minimum force).
f (mm)
Spring distance of Seeger- L-Rings. Axial displacement.
g (mm)
Chamfer, corner distance or radius of the machine component abutting the Seeger-Ring.
Weight (kg/1000 pezzi)
Weight of Seeger-Rings.
H (N)
Retaining force of self locking Seeger-Rings.
h (mm)
Lever arm of the dishing moment.
K (N · mm)
Value for calculating the load bearing capacity of the Seeger Ring.
L (mm)
Compensation of play of Seeger-Rings.
m (mm)
Groove width.
n (mm)
Shoulder length.
n abl (rpm)
Detaching speed of Seeger shaft rings.
n/t (-)
Shoulder length ratio.
p (-)
Correction factor taking the shoulder length ratio into account when FN is available.
q (-)
Load factor taking into account the shoulder length ratio.
s (mm)
Thickness of Seeger- Rings.
t (mm)
Groove depth.
t= ½(d1-d2)
u (mm)
The required reduction of L for assembly of Seeger-L-Rings.
V (mm)
Initial displacement of the axially loaded Seeger-Ring.
Wo (mm)
Curvature of Seeger-W- Rings and SL washers in the unstressed state.
W1 (mm)
Minimum curvature of assembled Seeger-W- Rings and SL washers.
W2 (mm)
Maximum curvature of assembled Seeger-W- Rings and SL washers.
X (mm)
Distance of the retained part from end of the shaft or housing.
ßk (-)
Fatigue notch factor of the Seeger-Ring groove